1031 Strategies: Refinancing Around An Exchange

For investors, one of the main reasons to use a 1031 exchange is deferring any tax due so that any return they earn can be on all of their equity going forward. For the gain deferral to be maximized, the exchange rules require that the purchase price of the replacement property be the same or […]

1031 Tips: Being Brilliant at the Basics

Just like in baseball, when planning for a 1031 exchange, understanding certain basics will help you have a successful turn at bat. Being brilliant at the basics will help you hit a home run. With a 1031, your success primarily hinges on having a basic understanding of this transaction and paying attention to certain key factors. To […]

If I sell rental property can I buy land to complete my 1031?

Yes, both are “like-kind.”  However, land is not a depreciable asset, so be aware that you will trigger some tax consequence on the recapture of the depreciation taken on the improved property.  Depreciation taken on a relinquished property cannot be rolled forward into a non-depreciable replacement property.

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