The Top Ten 1031 Exchange Misconceptions
Sometimes, the best intentions don’t quite get us to the finish line, but can leave us in a very painful spot. It’s best to steer clear of the pitfalls that can derail an exchange or limit the tax that can be deferred. With this goal in mind, we introduce our Top Ten 1031 Exchange Misconceptions: #1- If […]
Why All 1031 Exchanges Are Not Tax-Free —- Here’s How to Avoid an Unhappy Surprise
If your plan is to complete a 1031 exchange that results in no tax being paid, then you need to understand the target value of the replacement property you must acquire. This may sound simple, but in practice, it trips up many investors—leaving them with tax to pay. Before we delve deeper into how to […]
1031 Tips: Being Brilliant at the Basics
Just like in baseball, when planning for a 1031 exchange, understanding certain basics will help you have a successful turn at bat. Being brilliant at the basics will help you hit a home run. With a 1031, your success primarily hinges on having a basic understanding of this transaction and paying attention to certain key factors. To […]